Soulmate Attraction Spell: Drawing Your Twin Flame to You

Soulmate Attraction Spell: Drawing Your Twin Flame to You

This spell is designed to help align your energy with that of your soulmate or twin flame, setting the intention to draw them closer to you. This is a gentle yet powerful ritual, combining visualisation, candle magic, and the energies of nature. Begin with a calm and open heart, ready to invite a loving connection into your life.

What You’ll Need:

  • A pink or red candle (for love and attraction)
  • A small dish of salt (for grounding)
  • A rose quartz crystal (for love and emotional healing)
  • A piece of paper and a pen
  • A handful of rose petals or lavender (for love and calming energy)
  • Your favourite essential oil (like lavender, rose, or sandalwood)
  • A small sachet or pouch


  1. Find a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted. Cleanse the area by sprinkling salt in a circle or lighting incense.
  2. Place the candle in front of you, along with the rose quartz crystal and the dish of salt.
  3. Lightly anoint the candle and your wrists with a drop of your chosen essential oil, setting your intention to attract your soulmate with each drop.

Spell Steps:

  1. Set Your Intention
    Sit comfortably and take a few deep breaths to centre yourself. Hold the rose quartz in your hands, close your eyes, and visualise the kind of love you want in your life. Imagine yourself in a fulfilling, loving relationship that brings you joy, understanding, and harmony. Allow this feeling to grow within you, filling your heart with warmth and light.
  2. Write Your Wish
    On the piece of paper, write down the qualities you hope to attract in your soulmate. Be specific about the kind of love you desire, describing qualities like kindness, understanding, and compatibility. Avoid writing the characteristics of any specific person; instead, focus on the feeling and type of connection you seek.
  3. Invoke the Spell
    Light the candle, saying:
    “With this flame, I call to you, my soulmate, my twin flame, tried and true.
    Guided by light, by love, by fate,
    Draw near to me, I patiently wait.”
    Place the paper beneath the candle and continue:
    “I open my heart, I’m ready to find
    A love that’s pure, a soul aligned.
    From heart to heart, from soul to soul,
    I call you forth to make me whole.”
  4. Seal the Energy
    Sprinkle the rose petals or lavender around the candle, surrounding it with love energy. Visualise the energy of the candle’s flame radiating out, drawing your soulmate closer with each flicker. Let the candle burn for at least 10-15 minutes while you focus on the feeling of love and openness.
  5. Carry the Energy with You
    Once the candle has burned down or you’ve snuffed it out, fold the piece of paper and place it in the sachet or pouch along with the rose quartz and remaining rose petals. Carry this pouch with you or keep it near your bed as a symbol of your intention.
  6. Release and Trust
    As you complete the spell, say:
    “I trust in timing, in fate’s gentle hand,
    Our paths will cross as the universe planned.
    I am ready, I am open, and so it shall be.”

Blow out the candle and place the pouch somewhere meaningful. Release any specific expectations and trust that the universe will bring your soulmate or twin flame to you in perfect timing. Repeat the spell each month during the New Moon if you feel the need to refresh your intention.

Through this spell, you’ve set your intention and aligned yourself with the energy of love! Be open to the signs and connections around you, and trust that the universe is guiding you towards your soulmate or twin flame. 

If you want to know when love is coming into your life, then order my Mini Future Love Reading today!

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