My Psychics

Eva Rose

Eva Rose

Hi, I'm Eva Rose. The universe works in wonderful ways, so if you have been guided to my site, then it was meant to be! I've been a Clairvoyant Psychic Medium for as long as I can remember. I'm a fourth-generation psychic, and my gift was passed down through my mother's side of the family. I read for clients worldwide and love the opportunity to empower people through my spiritual gift. I'll sometimes use cards to clarify and always connect with my beautiful Guides for each reading. I have lived my life through the gentle guidance of them and I know that whatever they tell me, is 100% trustworthy. I want to be a beacon of light for others, to guide, reassure and give my complete honesty to help you through whatever's going on.



Jess is a wonderful Psychic and Tarot card reader. She has used the Tarot for over 30 years and has a natural psychic ability that she discovered as a child. Jess also teaches the Tarot, so she knows all the decks inside out! No matter what your question, Jess can give you the most detailed answers. She also has a gentle sense of humour which comes through in her empowering readings. Jess will arm you with her predictions and insights, so you can feel bright and positive about the future!



Bear's name was his childhood family nickname, and since he connected with his Spirit Guides, his name stayed with him. It means courage, confidence and strength, which is exactly what he aims to give you in your readings. Bear is a Spiritual Teacher and a Clairvoyant Medium. He uses his gift to help you focus on the positives, see all the possibilities, and find your spiritual path. Bear will give you honest guidance and will give you the tools to help you move forwards in life.



Jude is an incredible Clairvoyant Psychic who uses the Crystal Ball and Angel Cards to bring greater clarity in your readings. She also uses Numerology to look at relationships, career choices and spiritual path, and can drill down on yes or no questions with her Pendulum. Jude is an energy reader and can pick up on auras. She often sends healing during her readings, to help rebalance your chakras and remove any negative feelings you're carrying.



Amethyst has had natural psychic abilities since she can remember. Her first memory of a psychic experience was at five years old, when she connected with her Grandfather in Spirit. Amethyst's style of reading often comes from her Clairsentience when she tunes into emotions and feelings from the past and present. Her Clairvoyance gift gives her symbols and images of the future, bringing clarity and guidance for relationships, future love, work and home life.



We think you will agree that Promise has the most wonderful and energetic psychic gift! Her ability to connect with you and give validations is extraordinary, down to every last detail. Promise inherited her gifts from her ancestors and her Grandmother is one of her Spirit Guides. She rarely uses cards, but will sometimes use automatic writing to delve deeper into her psychic ability to get answers. Promise is one of a kind and can guide you on any area of your life.



Suki is Queen of Tarot and owns over 30 card decks. She's often drawn by her Spirit Guides to know which deck will give you all the answers you need. Using the cards alongside her Psychic and Clairvoyant gifts, Suki creates a funnel of spiritual guidance that is so personal, it's uncanny. Her approach is gentle and loving, only ever wanting to empower you with her honesty and compassion. Suki specialises in love and relationship readings, and can guide you towards your soulmate.



Samuel is not your ordinary Psychic; he has such a unique gift that sets him apart. As a psychic medium, he began his spiritual journey at a young age and growing up, he struggled to understand and harness his gift. Samuel embraced his abilities in his early twenties and has been reading for clients worldwide since. He is committed to helping as many people as he can and says that the most special gift is to be able to connect people with their loved ones who have passed.